PROMO code for NOOK reader
SAVE 25% on "Second in a series!
During the holiday shuffle, gift yourself a 25% discount!
NOOK PRESS asked me to beta a new program and I said YES, because it means saving for YOU!!
The coupon code above (BPN2INSERIES25) is good exclusively on Nook for 25% off my "Seconds" in my e-book series.
Remember, the 1st is free for Consequences and Betrayal.
NOW, by entering: BNP2INSERIES25 in the PROMO CODE at checkout, you will receive 25% off your purchase.
ONE NIGHT (the one standalone), Cunning, and Truth are normally $3.99. With this offer you will get them for $2.99 each!
Don't miss the chance. Coupon code expires 12/8/2018
Happy discounting! AND please tell your Nook friends!